The FN Story so far...

My name is Killian and I am the founder and sole proprietor of Filii Noctis Defense Solutions.  I served for six years as an Infantryman in the U.S. Army and, among the many lessons I learned during my service, one of these was the driving force behind my creation and passion for FN:  No plan survives first contact; you need to have contingencies.

No one is coming to save you.  When your back is against the wall and you have a split-second to make a life or death decision, the only person you can count on is ultimately yourself.  Carry with you the hardware and software you need to make yourself a credible and consistent threat in any given situation; put your team first, educate and empower those around you, cultivate an atmosphere of positivity and accountability among your peers and always remember that you and your loved one's safety is your own responsibility.

Why "Filii Noctis?"  What does it mean?  Filii Noctis is Latin and translates to "sons of the night."  I've always felt a unique affinity for the night; the tranquil stillness these hours provide set the world in different motion and all manner of creatures use this time of darkness to gain an advantage in some task or purpose.  If it can be done, do it at night.

Our mission here at FN is simple:  provide capable and effective tools for self-defense while promoting a culture of self-reliance, self-preparedness, positivity and service to the community.  I thank you all so very much for your support and am glad to welcome you to the FNDS team.